Regular Meeting

Tuesday, January 7, 2003



The regular meeting of the Deer Trail Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Tink Rector at the Deer Trail Town Hall, 555 Second Avenue, Deer Trail, Colorado 80105.


A call of the roll heard the following members present: Mayor Tink Rector, Trustees Ralph Haight, Gary Lavoie, Tami Stoumbaugh, Dutch Venter, and Melvin Wood. Trustee Chuck Myers was absent. Attendants of the meeting included: Everett Boyd, Lucinda Boyd, Betty Haight, Sharlene Wood, Bob Sanger, Robyn Lydick, Russell Ness, and Bertha Rector


MOTION: Trustee Lavoie moved to add an additional item, donations, to the new business portion of the agenda. The motion was seconded by Trustee Stoumbaugh and carried by unanimous vote.


MOTION: Trustee Wood moved to approve the December 3, 2002 regular meeting minutes with a correction. The motion was seconded by Trustee Lavoie and carried by unanimous vote.


No one in attendance wished to be recognized.


Water & Sewer

The Town Clerk reported water usage for the month of December, 2002 was 1,472,050 gallons. Average sewer flow for December was 44,029 gallons per day. The high flow day was December 31 with a flow of 46,020 gallons.


The Town Clerk reported all funds under budget at the conclusion of 2002.

Safety Committee

Town Clerk Patti Owens reported that safety inspections are continuing to be conducted at the Town's parks and playground.


MOTION: Trustee Lavoie moved to approve the payment of the bills. The motion was seconded by Trustee Stoumbaugh. A roll call vote was taken. YES: Trustee Lavoie, Mayor Rector, Trustee Stoumbaugh, Trustee Venter, and Trustee Wood. ABSTAIN: Trustee Haight. The motion carried.


The Board reviewed Resolution 98-12 regarding Trustee's attendance at Board meetings and Board options. Trustee Myers has missed seven meetings this year. He was contacted by letter of his possible removal from the Board and invited to respond to the letter at the January, 2003 Board meeting. No response was received.

MOTION: Trustee Stoumbaugh moved to remove Trustee Myers from the Board of Trustees based on his disinterest in his Board membership. The motion was seconded by Trustee Lavoie. A roll call vote was taken. YES: Trustee Lavoie, Mayor Rector, Trustee Stoumbaugh, Trustee Wood, and Trustee Haight. NO: Trustee Venter. The motion carried.

MOTION: Trustee Lavoie moved the mayor contact Harold Bolstad to verify his interest in the open Board position. The motion was seconded by Trustee Wood and carried by unanimous vote.


Betty Haight asked the Board to consider removing stop signs that had recently been placed at the intersections of Fourth Ave. and Burton St. and Second Ave. and Burton St. Her main concern was the eastbound stop sign at Fourth Ave. and Burton St. at which site motorists going up the hill must stop and in slick conditions may then slide backward down the hill.

The Board responded its goal is to place four-way stops at intersections near the school for children's safety.

MOTION: Trustee Haight moved to remove the east- and westbound stop signs at the three-way stop intersection of Second Ave. and Burton St. and replace them with appropriate signs to slow traffic. The motion was seconded by Trustee Stoumbaugh. The motion carried.

During slick conditions the town will salt and sand the hill at Fourth Ave. and Burton St., and if results are not satisfactory, consider changing the stop signs.

Snow plowing was discussed.

The Board considered a bid from ADT for a security system for the Town Hall area.

MOTION: Trustee Stoumbaugh moved to accept the contract from ADT that includes payment up-front for three years of service at $32.99/mo. with a six-month $197.94 discount, and an additional $400 worth of equipment for a total cost of $1,389.70. The motion was seconded by Trustee Lavoie. A roll call vote was taken. YES: Mayor Rector, Trustee Stoumbaugh, Trustee Venter, Trustee Wood, Trustee Haight, and Trustee Lavoie. The motion carried.

MOTION: Trustee Lavoie moved to accept the two Special Events Permits submitted by the Elks Lodge for February 14, 2003 and March 15, 2003. The motion was seconded by Trustee Venter. Trustee Wood expressed his conflict of interest in this matter and abstained from voting. The motion carried.

MOTION: Trustee Lavoie moved to donate $100 to the Bell family for Stanley Bell's memorial fund. The motion was seconded by Trustee Haight. A roll call vote was taken. YES: Trustee Stoumbaugh, Trustee Venter, Trustee Wood, Trustee Haight, Trustee Lavoie, and Mayor Rector. The motion carried.

MOTION: Trustee Lavoie moved to give $50 to The Corner for electricity used for the Town's Christmas display at Fifth Ave. and Cedar St. The motion was seconded by Trustee Stoumbaugh. A roll call vote was taken. YES: Trustee Venter, Trustee Wood, Trustee Haight, Trustee Lavoie, Mayor Rector, and Trustee Stoumbaugh. The motion carried.


The Board recognized a letter from a property owner regarding her protest of a delinquent water bill and her subsequent payment of the bill.

Arapahoe County Commissioners are seeking nominations for the Metropolitan Mayors and Commissioners Youth Award program. Mayor Rector asked for Board input. Deadline for nominations is January 20.

Board members are invited to meet with several entities from the community on Thursday, January 9 at the Deer Trail School to discuss an emergency warning system.


MOTION: Trustee Lavoie moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Trustee Stoumbaugh and carried by unanimous vote.

The regular meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.



Beryl H. Rector, Mayor




Patti K. Owens, Town Clerk