The Board of Trustees of the Town of Deer Trail met in regular session on Tuesday, August 7, 2007 at the Town Hall, 555 Second Avenue, Deer Trail, Colorado. Mayor Jim Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Mayor Jim Johnson Trustees Present: Frank Fields Gary Lavoie Bob Sanger Tami Stoumbaugh Dutch Venter Melvin Wood
Staff Present: Patti Owens, Town Clerk
TRUSTEE LAVOIE MOVED, TRUSTEE WOOD SECONDED to approve the agenda. The motion carried.
TRUSTEE STOUMBAUGH MOVED, TRUSTEE SANGER SECONDED to approve the July 3, 2007 regular meeting minutes. The motion carried.
No one had comments.
Water & Sewer The Town’s wells pumped 3,971,000 gallons of water in July, 2007.
Mayor’s Report The Mayor reported that Arapahoe County CDBG paving project had been completed.
Town Clerk’s Report The Town Clerk reported that she presented the Energy and Mineral Impact Assistance Grant to a review board in Meeker on Friday, July 27. The board expressed support for the project. Final approval has not been received.
The 2006 audit prepared by Johnson, Holscher and Co. was presented to the Board for acceptance.
TRUSTEE STOUMBAUGH MOVED, TRUSTEE LAVOIE SECONDED to accept the 2006 audit report. Voting was as follows: YES: Fields, Johnson, Lavoie, Sanger, Stoumbaugh, Venter Wood NO: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None The Mayor declared the motion carried.
TRUSTEE STOUMBAUGH MOVED, TRUSTEE WOOD SECONDED to approve the payment of the bills. Voting was as follows: YES: Johnson, Lavoie, Sanger, Stoumbaugh, Venter, Wood, Fields NO: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None The Mayor declared the motion carried.
Wastewater Project -Final Draw Request GMS, Inc. submitted the final draw request for the wastewater project which included a payment of $49,592.18 to Liquid Waste Management for biosolids removal and disposal, engineering fees, and $23,618.38 for the chain link fence.
TRUSTEE LAVOIE MOVED, TRUSTEE STOUMBAUGH SECONDED to approve the final wastewater project’s Outlay Report #17 in the amount of $81,165.30. Voting was as follows: YES: Lavoie, Sanger, Stoumbaugh, Venter, Wood, Fields, Johnson NO: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None The Mayor declared the motion carried.
-Resolution of Acceptance GMS, Inc. also submitted a Resolution of Acceptance stating that the Board accepts the biosolids removal and disposal work done by Liquid Waste Management.
TRUSTEE LAVOIE MOVED, TRUSTEE WOOD SECONDED to approve the Resolution of Acceptance for the biosolids removal and disposal project for the existing abandoned wastewater treatment facility. Voting was as follows: YES: Sanger, Stoumbaugh, Venter, Wood, Fields, Johnson, Lavoie NO: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None The Mayor declared the motion carried.
Fence Regulations The Board reviewed different items to be included in a fence/hedge ordinance including types of fences, heights, and fees.
TRUSTEE FIELDS MOVED, TRUSTEE VENTER SECONDED to table any decisions until the September meeting. Voting was as follows:
YES: Venter, Wood, Fields NO: Stoumbaugh, Johnson, Lavoie, Sanger ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None The Mayor declared the motion defeated.
TRUSTEE LAVOIE MOVED, TRUSTEE STOUMBAUGH SECONDED to include the following items in a fence/hedge ordinance: Types of fences allowed: Masonry, ornamental iron, chain link, wood picket, solid, strongbarn, plastic Not allowed: Plywood, pressboard, waferboard, chipboard, cardboard, pallets, etc. Front height fence/hedge: 4’ (anything within 30’ of curb line) Side/rear height fence/hedge: 6’ Tennis courts: 12’ Fees: .25% plus $10 administrative Also: Fences/hedges may not obstruct vision of auto traffic on adjacent streets or driveways Voting was as follows: YES: Johnson, Lavoie, Sanger, Stoumbaugh NO: Venter, Wood, Fields ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None The Mayor declared the motion carried.
Items may be added, deleted, or changed at the September meeting.
Liquor License Renewal – Brown Derby
TRUSTEE LAVOIE MOVED, TRUSTEE WOOD SECONDED to approve the application for renewal of the Brown Derby’s liquor license. Voting was as follows: YES: Wood, Fields, Johnson, Lavoie, Sanger, Stoumbaugh, Venter NO: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None The Mayor declared the motion carried.
Building Permit – 1210 Fourth Ave.
TRUSTEE WOOD MOVED, TRUSTEE LAVOIE SECONDED to approve the building permit submitted by Kunkel Construction, Inc. for 1210 Fourth Ave. Voting was as follows: YES: Fields, Johnson, Lavoie, Sanger, Stoumbaugh, Venter, Wood NO: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None The Mayor declared the motion carried.
Work Session
MAYOR JOHNSON MOVED, TRUSTEE STOUMBAUGH SECONDED to schedule a special meeting with CIRSA’s Tami Tanoue to discuss routine insurance matters on Tuesday, Aug. 21 at 6:00 p.m.. Voting was as follows: YES: Johnson, Lavoie, Sanger, Stoumbaugh, Venter, Wood, Fields NO: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None The Mayor declared the motion carried.
TRUSTEES’ COMMENTS Trustee Venter presented a letter to each Board member asking them to drop Robert Byg’s municipal court case. The Town Clerk read it aloud.
Trustee Sanger thanked Mayor Johnson and the maintenance man Darren Kunkel for all the hard work they did preparing streets for paving.
TRUSTEE STOUMBAUGH MOVED, TRUSTEE WOOD SECONDED to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried.
The regular meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.
______________________________ James F. Johnson, Mayor
__________________________ Patti K. Owens, Town Clerk