The Town of Deer Trail develops budgets for five of its
accounts, General Fund, Water Fund, Sewer Fund, Conservation Trust Fund,
and Open Space Fund.
The Town's Budget Officer, the Town Clerk, submits
proposed budgets for the upcoming year to the Board of Trustees by October 15 of
the current year. The General Fund budget must be adopted before the
property tax mill levy is certified, based on final assessed valuations from the
County Assessor's office. The deadline for mill levy certification is
December 15.
General Fund
The Water Fund is an enterprise fund used strictly for
revenue and expenditures associated with the Town's water system.
Water Fund
The Sewer Fund, like the Water Fund, is an enterprise fund.
Sewer Fund
Funds for the Conservation Trust Fund are derived from an
inter-governmental allocation of lottery proceeds based on town population.
Conservation Trust Fund
The Open Space Fund is derived from an allocation of Arapahoe County Open Space
tax collections.
Open Space Fund