TOWN OF DEER TRAIL, COLORADO BOARD OF TRUSTEES Regular Meeting July 5, 2005 CALL TO ORDER The Board of Trustees of the Town of Deer Trail met in regular session on Tuesday, July 5, 2005 at the Town Hall, 555 Second Avenue, Deer Trail, Colorado. Mayor Tink Rector called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Mayor: Tink Rector Trustees Present: Ralph Haight, Gary Lavoie, Russell Ness, Tami Stoumbaugh , Dutch Venter Staff Present: Patti Owens, Town Clerk APPROVAL OF AGENDA TRUSTEE STOUMBAUGH MOVED, TRUSTEE LAVOIE SECONDED to approve the agenda with the addition of two items to New Business: Liquor License Renewal and Tree Removal. The motion carried. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES TRUSTEE LAVOIE MOVED, TRUSTEE STOUMBAUGH SECONDED to approve the June 7, 2005 regular meeting minutes. The motion carried. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION No one in attendance had comments. REPORTS Water & Sewer -Readings The Town Clerk reported water usage for the month of June, 2005 was 2,853,200 gallons. The sewer flow meter recorded readings of 35,550 gallons of flow per day in June. Sewer Project Nothing was reported on the sewer project. Christmas Decorations Susan Eldringhoff and Pam Stoumbaugh gave the Board an update on the Jockeyettes' Christmas decoration project. They have received approval from CDOT to hang decorations at a height of 16 feet. IREA will set the poles soon after July 4. Susan will contact Mayor Rector before the poles are set, to review the poles' placement. Melvin Allison has been contacted to saw the concrete at First Ave. and Cedar St. Frank Fields will build the snowflakes to be hung as decoration, donating part of his labor. Susan estimated the remaining cost of the project would be approximately $1,600. The Jockeyettes are seeking donations from several sources. The Jockeyettes have ordered five 5'x3' "World's First Rodeo" banners to be hung from the poles before and during the rodeo. Dex will sponsor all but $100 of the cost of the banners, brackets, etc. Town Clerk's Report The Town Clerk reported that the balance of the 1979 loan for water improvements in the amount of $46,150 had been paid. On June 1, the Town received $4,491 Open Space funds from Arapahoe County. Bid deadline for the CDBG paving project is Monday, July 18. The 2004 audit was completed the week of June 13. Land surveyor Greg Bayer is working with DRCOG on the Town's drainage study. The Town received $1,277.06 in fireworks donations. APPROVAL AND PAYMENT OF BILLS TRUSTEE STOUMBAUGH MOVED, TRUSTEE LAVOIE SECONDED to approve the payment of the bills. Voting was as follows: YES: Haight, Lavoie, Ness, Rector, Stoumbaugh, Venter NO: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Wood The Mayor declared the motion carried. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Kunkel Development The Board reviewed Glenn Kunkel's development plans for East Bijou Estates and comments on the plans from GMS, Inc. Kunkel will submit a new set of plans to GMS, Inc. for final approval. With more information, the Board will consider 24-feet wide paved streets. Kunkel will meet with the Army Corps of Engineers on Thursday, July 14. Kunkel estimates he will need to haul in another 26,000 yards of dirt. TRUSTEE LAVOIE MOVED, TRUSTEE NESS SECONDED to locate the water meter pits and curb stops within the 10-feet area between sidewalks and property lines. The motion carried. TRUSTEE LAVOIE MOVED, TRUSTEE HAIGHT SECONDED to allow subdivision entry monuments within the ten-feet area at the entrances of Fourth Avenue and Fifth Avenue. The motion carried. TRUSTEE LAVOIE MOVED, TRUSTEE STOUMBAUGH SECONDED to allow closure with barricades of Fifth Avenue and Ivy Street during construction. The motion carried. TRUSTEE LAVOIE MOVED, TRUSTEE STOUMBAUGH SECONDED to allow development of East Bijou Estates in phases with lot restrictions with Phase 1 to include Lots 1-8 Block 29, Lots 1-8 Block 38, and Lots 1-3, Block 45; Phase 2 including Lots 9-16 Block 29, Lots 9-16, Block 38, and Lots 15 and 16, Block 45; and Phase Three to include Lots 9-16, Block 39 and Lots 9-16 Block 44. The motion carried. TRUSTEE LAVOIE MOVED, TRUSTEE STOUMBAUGH SECONDED to table a decision on a Cost Recovery Agreement until Town Attorney Stan Kimble and GMS, Inc. can be consulted. The motion carried. TRUSTEE LAVOIE MOVED, TRUSTEE VENTER SECONDED to approve two building permits for Kunkel Construction, Inc., one at 1110 Fourth Ave. and the other at 1122 Fourth Ave. , upon receipt of fees. The motion carried. TRUSTEE STOUMBAUGH MOVED, TRUSTEE HAIGHT SECONDED to pay the first $500 of GMS, Inc. engineering fees for review of Kunkel Construction plans with the balance to be paid by Glenn Kunkel. Voting was as follows: YES: Lavoie, Ness, Rector, Stoumbaugh, Venter, Haight NO: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Wood The Mayor declared the motion carried. The Board took a short recess. The regular meeting convened at 8:17 p.m. Sewer Rates Correspondence from Dorothy Doherty was reviewed about the new sewer user charge system. Mike Geesen was on hand to ask the Board to consider lowering his monthly water usage average on which his sewer billing is based. Geesen stated the three months on which the average is based, December, January, and February, are the months he waters 80-130 cows, water that does not go through the Town's sewer system. TRUSTEE LAVOIE MOVED, TRUSTEE NESS SECONDED to table any further discussion on changes in sewer rates until March, 2006. Voting was as follows: YES: Ness, Rector, Stoumbaugh, Venter, Lavoie NO: Haight ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Wood The Mayor declared the motion carried. Kendra Boyd and Dorothy Pisel raised questions about the new sewer user charge system. Wastewater Project Pay Request The seventh pay request for the wastewater project was reviewed. TRUSTEE STOUMBAUGH MOVED, TRUSTEE VENTER SECONDED to approve the seventh wastewater project pay request in the amount of $320,186.11. Voting was as follows: YES: Rector, Stoumbaugh, Venter, Haight, Lavoie, Ness NO: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Wood The Mayor declared the motion carried. The Board will close the interim loan with Guaranty Bank and be receiving a fee agreement from bond counsel Larry Berkowitz to facilitate the remaining financing process. NEW BUSINESS Clerks' Institute TRUSTEE HAIGHT MOVED, TRUSTEE LAVOIE SECONDED to send the Town Clerk to the Clerks' Institute in Boulder, July 10-15. Voting was as follows: YES: Stoumbaugh, Venter, Haight, Lavoie, Ness, Rector NO: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Wood The Mayor declared the motion carried. The Town Hall will be closed during that time. Liquor License Renewal TRUSTEE HAIGHT MOVED, TRUSTEE STOUMBAUGH SECONDED to approve the liquor license renewal for the Brown Derby, Inc. The motion carried. Tree Removal Regarding the wastewater improvement project, Trustee Lavoie asked whose responsibility it will be to remove trees from alleys. After consulting plans for the project, it was determined to be the contractor's responsibility. TRUSTEES' COMMENTS Trustee Stoumbaugh asked about the status of the water at J & F Trailer Park. Trustee Lavoie responded that the contractor would be repairing the lines on Friday, July 8. Trustee Ness asked that the stop sign be replaced at Fifth Avenue and Birch Street. He also requested the hedge at Fourth Avenue and Birch Street be removed. Trustee Ness asked whose responsibility it is to trim trees at Spirit of the Prairie Park. The Jockeyettes will be contacted. Trustee Ness complimented and thanked Mayor Rector for all the volunteer work he has been doing. Trustee Lavoie asked that the streets be bladed. He would like the Board to consider a shallow well for Centennial Park for watering purposes. Trustee Haight tendered his resignation from the Board of Trustees. The vacancy will be advertised. ADJOURNMENT TRUSTEE LAVOIE MOVED, TRUSTEE STOUMBAUGH SECONDED to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried. The regular meeting was adjourned at 8:58 p.m. ______________________________ Beryl H. Rector, Mayor ATTEST ______________________________ Patti K. Owens, Town Clerk