CALL TO ORDER The Board of Trustees of the Town of Deer Trail met in regular session on Wednesday, July 5, 2006 at the Town Hall, 555 Second Avenue, Deer Trail, Colorado. Mayor Jim Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Mayor Jim Johnson Trustees Present: Gary Lavoie, Russell Ness, Bob Sanger, Tami Stoumbaugh, Dutch Venter, Melvin Wood Staff Present: Patti Owens, Town Clerk; Susan Rector, Maintenance APPROVAL OF AGENDA TRUSTEE LAVOIE MOVED, TRUSTEE WOOD SECONDED to approve the agenda with the addition of two new items under New Business: Lights at Lift Station and Speed Limit Signs. The motion carried. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES TRUSTEE NESS MOVED, TRUSTEE LAVOIE SECONDED to approve the June 6, 2006 regular meeting minutes. The motion carried. PUBLIC COMMENTS No comments were heard. REPORTS Water & Sewer -Readings None were available. Town Clerk's Report Because of the rain on July 4, the fireworks have been rescheduled for Saturday, July 8. Approximately $1,230 in donations has been received. Arapahoe County Open Space would like the Town to use the $4000 awarded for the Centennial Park well project even though the well permit application was denied. The County would like the Town to use the money for another project if possible. The bike path in Spirit of the Prairie Park was mentioned as a possibility. Maintenance Report Susan Rector presented a report on the major maintenance projects completed in June, as well as current projects. Several items addressed by the Board included: disposal of old tires; battery replacement; new backhoe; purchase of a small pickup; used motor oil; disposal of mosquito spray barrels; and installation of boards along the interior of the shop. Bids will be taken for the trencher. APPROVAL AND PAYMENT OF BILLS TRUSTEE STOUMBAUGH MOVED, TRUSTEE LAVOIE SECONDED to approve the payment of the bills. Voting was as follows: YES: Johnson, Lavoie, Ness, Sanger, Stoumbaugh, Venter, Wood NO: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None The Mayor declared the motion carried. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Dangerous Building Demolition The asbestos inspection company, HWS, reported that one of three samples taken at the building at 692 First Ave. scheduled for demolition contained friable asbestos. HWS will talk with Tom Bain at the Colorado Department of Health about abatement procedures. Abatement may cost between $15,000 and $50,000. The Town Clerk will contact the Town Attorney about liability of the adjoining building owner upon whose property the material is located as well as the previous owner’s liability. The Board also questioned the Town’s responsibility to remove the contaminated material as opposed to sealing it. CDBG Paving Bids Four bids for the upcoming paving project, 7,821 square yards of asphalt on three streets, were reviewed. Quality Paving $ 70,606.90 Mesa Paving, Inc. $111,888.00 CASI, Inc. $102,358.80 Kiewit Western Co. $106,128.25 TRUSTEE LAVOIE MOVED, TRUSTEE WOOD SECONDED to table an award of the contract until after further review at which time a special meeting will be called. Voting was as follows: YES: Lavoie, Ness, Sanger, Stoumbaugh, Venter, Wood, Johnson NO: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None The Mayor declared the motion carried. CDBG Curb and Gutter Bids One bid in the amount of $34,973 from Kunkel Construction, Inc. was submitted for the curb and gutter project. TRUSTEE LAVOIE MOVED, TRUSTEE WOOD SECONDED to reject the bid, tighten the specs, and rebid the project. Voting was as follows: YES: Ness, Sanger, Stoumbaugh, Venter, Wood, Johnson, Lavoie NO: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None The Mayor declared the motion carried. Concrete Drainage Pan Bids One bid in the amount of $4,350 from Kunkel Construction, Inc. was submitted for the concrete drainage pan project. TRUSTEE LAVOIE MOVED, TRUSTEE STOUMBAUGH SECONDED to award the concrete drainage pan project to Kunkel Construction, Inc. in the amount of $4,350. Voting was as follows: YES: Sanger, Stoumbaugh, Venter, Wood, Johnson, Lavoie, Ness NO: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None The Mayor declared the motion carried. NEW BUSINESS Elks Special Events Permit TRUSTEE LAVOIE MOVED, TRUSTEE SANGER SECONDED to approve the Elks’ Special Events Permits for August 19 and October 27 and 28. Voting was as follows: YES: Stoumbaugh, Venter, Johnson, Lavoie, Ness, Sanger NO: None ABSTAIN: Wood ABSENT: None The Mayor declared the motion carried. Building Permit TRUSTEE LAVOIE MOVED, TRUSTEE WOOD SECONDED to approve the building permit for a garage at 564 Tenth Avenue. Voting was as follows: YES: Venter, Wood, Johnson, Lavoie, Ness, Sanger, Stoumbaugh NO: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None The Mayor declared the motion carried. Alleys Trustee Lavoie would like the Board to address ownership of and responsibility for alleys. Though some are platted and some are not, the Town needs to have access for utilities and mosquito spraying. Many are blocked with obstructions. TRUSTEE LAVOIE MOVED, TRUSTEE SANGER SECONDED to advertise for a part-time code enforcement for the Town. Voting was as follows: YES: Wood, Johnson, Lavoie, Ness, Sanger, Stoumbaugh, Venter NO: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None The Mayor declared the motion carried. Light at Lift Station Trustee Lavoie expressed a need for a light at the lift station at First Avenue and Ivy Street. He will install the light. Speed Limit Signs TRUSTEE LAVOIE MOVED, TRUSTEE VENTER SECONDED to order and erect eight 25 mph speed limit signs throughout town and two school zone signs. Voting was as follows: YES: Johnson, Lavoie, Ness, Sanger, Stoumbaugh, Venter, Wood NO: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None TRUSTEES' COMMENTS Trustee Ness thanked Trustee Lavoie for erecting the chain link fence at the lift station. He also thanked Susan Rector and Susan Koepke for all the work they’ve done around Town. Trustee Ness expressed concern that 268,000 gallons of water had been used to water Centennial Park since April. The park sprinklers are set to water on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Trustee Venter said he had removed some handles from faucets to keep people from turning the water on and leaving it on. July’s usage will determine if the problem has been solved. ADJOURNMENT TRUSTEE NESS MOVED, TRUSTEE VENTER SECONDED to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried. The regular meeting was adjourned at 7:59 p.m. ______________________________ James F. Johnson, Mayor ATTEST ______________________________ Patti K. Owens, Town Clerk