CALL TO ORDER The Board of Trustees of the Town of Deer Trail met in regular session on Tuesday, June 1, 2004 at the Town Hall, 555 Second Avenue, Deer Trail, Colorado. Mayor Pro Tem Tami Stoumbaugh called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Mayor Pro Tem: Tami Stoumbaugh Trustees Present: Gary Lavoie, Russell Ness, Dutch Venter, Melvin Wood Staff Present: Patti Owens, Town Clerk Public Present: Evelyn Stewart APPROVAL OF AGENDA TRUSTEE LAVOIE MOVED, TRUSTEE VENTER SECONDED to approve the agenda. The motion carried. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES TRUSTEE WOOD MOVED, TRUSTEE LAVOIE SECONDED to approve the May 4, 2004 regular meeting minutes with a correction. The motion carried. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Evelyn Stewart wanted to know why the Town's siren had not been going off at noon. Trustee Lavoie expressed the public's confusion with the siren during a severe storm warning earlier in the spring and stated that possibly disconnecting the noon siren would eliminate some of the confusion. TRUSTEE VENTER MOVED, TRUSTEE WOOD SECONDED to resume the noon siren. Voting was as follows: YES: Ness, Stoumbaugh, Venter, Wood NO: Lavoie ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Haight, Rector The Mayor Pro Tem declared the motion carried. REPORTS Water & Sewer -Readings The Town Clerk reported water usage for the month of May, 2004 was 2,823,500 gallons. The average sewer flow for May was 29,815 gallons per day. Financial The Town Clerk stated that budget reports would be available at the end of the week after bank statements have been received and reconciled. Sewer Project The Town Clerk gave an update on the status of Seventh Ave. easements. Two of ten property owners have signed the easements. We are waiting on an opinion from Town Attorney Stan Kimble on rights-of-way for sewer line replacement in original Deer Trail where no alleys are platted. The area for the proposed lift station at Hwy. 40 and Ivy St. has been marked. Per Union Pacific Railroad, the sewer main to the lagoon will not be allowed to cross the railroad right-of-way at a railroad bridge, but must be moved north to a new location. The Board reviewed § 43-2-135(1)(d) addressing the Town's right to open street surfaces that are a part of the state highway system. Upcoming replacement sewer lines will cross Cedar St. in two locations. Correspondence from DRCOG was reviewed. DRCOG has accepted the utility plan and site applications for the proposed wastewater treatment plant and lift station. CDBG Grant Notice to Proceed has been received for the Town's two paving projects. TRUSTEE LAVOIE MOVED, TRUSTEE NESS SECONDED to take bids on the paving projects. The motion carried. APPROVAL AND PAYMENT OF BILLS TRUSTEE WOOD MOVED, TRUSTEE NESS SECONDED to approve the payment of the bills. Voting was as follows: YES: Ness, Stoumbaugh, Venter, Wood, Lavoie NO: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Haight, Rector The Mayor Pro Tem declared the motion carried. UNFINISHED BUSINESS TRUSTEE LAVOIE MOVED, TRUSTEE NESS SECONDED to approve Ordinance 217 providing for designation of historic landmarks and for appointment of a Historic Preservation Commission. Voting was as follows: YES: Stoumbaugh, Venter, Wood, Lavoie, Ness, NO: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Haight, Rector The Mayor Pro Tem declared the motion carried. Liquor License Transfer - Brown Derby, Inc. TRUSTEE WOOD MOVED, TRUSTEE LAVOIE SECONDED to approve the Transfer of Ownership for the Brown Derby, Inc. Voting was as follows: YES: Venter, Wood, Lavoie, Ness, Stoumbaugh NO: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Haight, Rector The Mayor Pro Tem declared the motion carried. Water/Sewer Taps - East Ridge Addition The Board reviewed a request and payment from Jan Brummond, East Ridge Addition, for four water and four sewer taps. TRUSTEE LAVOIE MOVED, TRUSTEE VENTER SECONDED to table a decision on the water and sewer taps until the July meeting, pending information from Brummond regarding drainage, existing sewer, and streets. The motion carried. If necessary, the Board will meet with Brummond before the July meeting to discuss details. NEW BUSINESS Building Permit - Garner TRUSTEE LAVOIE MOVED, TRUSTEE WOOD SECONDED to approve Chris Garner's building permit at 1324 First Ave. The motion carried. Elks' Special Events Permits TRUSTEE LAVOIE MOVED, TRUSTEE NESS SECONDED to approve the Elks' special events permits for July 31 and September 4, 2004. Trustee Wood abstained from voting due to a conflict of interest. The motion carried. Arapahoe County IGA Information from Arapahoe County zoning regulations was reviewed. The Board would like to contract with the County for enforcement of several items of concern. The County has asked the Board to list the items that will be incorporated into an Intergovernmental Agreement and presented to the County Commissioners. The Commissioners will determine if enforcement is feasible and at what cost to the Town. The Board will then determine if county enforcement is fiscally possible. TRUSTEE NESS MOVED, TRUSTEE LAVOIE SECONDED that the following items of concern be tentatively addressed in the proposed Intergovernmental Agreement with Arapahoe County: inoperable vehicles, junkyards, auto wrecking yards, and dangerous buildings. The motion carried. TRUSTEE LAVOIE MOVED, TRUSTEE NESS SECONDED to send a letter to property owners on Seventh Ave. regarding a garden hose connected to an extra mobile home in their yard stating that the water and/or sewer be disconnected immediately from the mobile home or that water/sewer service to the owner's primary home will be disconnected. Voting was as follows: YES: Wood, Lavoie, Ness, Stoumbaugh NO: Venter ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Haight, Rector The Mayor Pro Tem declared the motion carried. CORRESPONDENCE The Board reviewed correspondence from the insurance company, CIRSA who performed an annual safety audit on May 10. TRUSTEES' COMMENTS The Board discussed mosquito spraying. Board members want spraying to begin immediately and be done twice a week, preferably on Monday and Thursday evenings. Trustee Ness requested that street signs in bad repair be replaced, repaired, or straightened. The tree branches that hang over the stop sign at John Hanks' property need to be trimmed. Trustee Ness requested that the garage door be closed throughout the day. Trustee Stoumbaugh would like to have the weeds on First Ave. sprayed. Trustee Venter would like to have a hole at Centennial Park filled with dirt. The Board discussed that some cosmetic things be done this summer, with mowing along public thoroughfares a priority. ADJOURNMENT TRUSTEE WOOD MOVED, TRUSTEE VENTER SECONDED to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried. The regular meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. ______________________________ Tamara Stoumbaugh, Mayor Pro Tem ATTEST ______________________________ Patti K. Owens, Town Clerk