The Board of Trustees of the Town of Deer Trail met in regular session on Tuesday, September 1, 2009 at the Town Hall, 555 Second Avenue, Deer Trail, Colorado. Mayor Frank Fields called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Mayor: Frank Fields Trustees Present: Robert Hardwick Jim Johnson Gerald Mergl John Monnahan Dorothy Pisel Harry Venter Staff Present: Patti Owens, Town Clerk
TRUSTEE MONNAHAN MOVED, TRUSTEE JOHNSON SECONDED to approve the agenda. The motion carried.
TRUSTEE PISEL MOVED, TRUSTEE HARDWICK SECONDED to approve the August 4, 2009 regular meeting minutes. The motion carried.
Nicole Hardwick said her water tasted bad and asked if the fire hydrants could be flushed.
Water & Sewer The Town’s wells pumped 2,094,900 gallons of water in August, 2009.
MAYOR FIELDS MOVED, TRUSTEE HARDWICK SECONDED to approve the payment of the bills. Voting was as follows: YES: Fields, Hardwick, Johnson, Mergl, Monnahan, Pisel, Venter NO: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None The Mayor declared the motion carried.
Vicious Dogs Town Attorney Stan Kimble had received no further information from Arapahoe County regarding the Town adopting a portion of the County’s Animal Control Ordinance. The issue will be addressed as information becomes available.
Alley Trench
TRUSTEE MONNAHAN MONNAHAN MOVED, TRUSTEE PISEL SECONDED to fill the trench in the alley between Third and Fourth Avenues at Date Street. Voting was as follows: YES: Johnson, Mergl, Pisel, Fields NO: Hardwick, Monnahan, Venter ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None The Mayor declared the motion carried.
Ivy Street Access – Jockey Club The Board discussed the request from the Jockey Club to have an extension of their horse racing track at Ivy Street, the north end of the race track. The extension will include a gate on the Jockey Club Grounds and a culvert in the ditch at Ivy Street. No action was taken.
Mosquito Control The Board reviewed information about changing mosquito spray next year from Biomist to Fyfanon, a malathion-based spray. The Fyfanon is approximately one-half the cost. Unlike the Biomist, Fyfanon has an odor and takes 20 minutes to kill the mosquitoes. No action was taken.
Special Events Permit – Jockey Club The Jockey Club may possibly apply for a Special Events Permit for a fundraiser on October 3. Because of posting requirements and the time it takes to process the application, approval must be done during September. The two options to approve the application are: 1) hold a Special Meeting as needed; or 2) per state law C.R.S. 12-48-107(4), allow the Town Clerk to approve the application when posting requirements have been met.
TRUSTEE MERGL MOVED, TRUSTEE JOHNSON SECONDED to allow the Town Clerk to approve the Special Events Permit application once the 10-day posting requirement has been met. Voting was as follows: YES: Johnson, Mergl, Monnahan, Pisel, Venter, Fields, Hardwick NO: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None The Mayor declared the motion carried.
2010 Budget The Board reviewed the Local Budget Calendar for Colorado municipal governments. The Town Clerk must submit proposed budgets to the Town Board by October 15. The Board reviewed year-to-date budget information for the General Fund, Water Fund, and Sewer Fund.
Special Events Permit – BPOE #2307
MAYOR MONNAHAN MOVED, MAYOR FIELDS SECONDED to approve the Special Events Permit application submitted by the Elks for Friday, October 31 and Saturday, November 1. Voting was as follows:
YES: Mergl, Monnahan, Pisel, Venter, Fields, Hardwick, Johnson NO: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None The Mayor declared the motion carried.
TRUSTEES’ COMMENTS Trustee Johnson reported that the hydraulic system in the blade is leaking air and it is not functioning properly and possibly needs a new pump. The Maintenance Man will check with Colorado Equipment about possible remedies and a new pump.
Trustee Johnson reported that Arapahoe County had surveyed Elm and Fir Streets in August in preparation for asphalt paving.
Trustee Pisel asked if the Town was going to sponsor a Clean-Up Day.
TRUSTEE PISEL MOVED, TRUSTEE VENTER SECONDED to sponsor a Town Clean-Up Day on Saturday, September 26, 8 a.m. – 12 noon. Voting was as follows: YES: Monnahan, Pisel, Venter, Fields, Hardwick, Johnson, Mergl NO: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None The Mayor declared the motion carried.
Trustee Pisel asked if donations could be taken to help citizens pay for tree trimming.
Trustee Johnson reported that the tree limb pile near the wastewater plant was being used for trash rather than tree limbs. The lock will be changed.
Trustee Mergl said there was interest in construction of a trapshooting trap on the one and one-half acre parcel adjacent to Spur Mountain Timber on the west side of the railroad tracks.
The Board discussed locating a helicopter pad at the Jockey Club Grounds.
Trustee Johnson suggested vacating the Town’s one and one-half acre parcel adjacent to Spur Mountain Timber.
MAYOR FIELDS adjourned the regular meeting at 8:09 p.m.
________________________________________ Frank Fields, Mayor
________________________________________ Patti K. Owens, Town Clerk