The Board of Trustees of the Town of Deer Trail met in regular session on Tuesday, September 5, 2006 at the Town Hall, 555 Second Avenue, Deer Trail, Colorado. Mayor Jim Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Mayor Jim Johnson Trustees Present: Gary Lavoie Bob Sanger Tami Stoumbaugh Dutch Venter Melvin Wood
Staff Present: Patti Owens, Town Clerk Jim Hancock, Maintenance
TRUSTEE LAVOIE MOVED, TRUSTEE WOOD SECONDED to approve the agenda. The motion carried.
TRUSTEE LAVOIE MOVED, TRUSTEE SANGER SECONDED to approve the August 1, 2006 regular meeting minutes and August 9, 2006 special meeting minutes. The motion carried.
Resident Phillip Steel questioned upcoming code enforcement and lack of zoning.
Water & Sewer The Board reviewed the water and sanitation report submitted by Marion Wilson.
Mayor’s Report Mayor Jim Johnson reported that nothing was being done on the dangerous building at 692 First Ave., including abatement of asbestos.
Representatives from Dana Kepner demonstrated radio read water meters earlier in the month. National Meter, who supplies Badger meters, had also been contacted.
CDBG paving has been completed for 2006. Mayor Johnson commended Quality Paving for their good work.
Town Clerk’s Report The Town Clerk reported that planimetrics for the drainage study should be completed by October 31.
TRUSTEE STOUMBAUGH MOVED, TRUSTEE WOOD SECONDED to approve the payment of the bills. Voting was as follows: YES: Johnson, Lavoie, Sanger, Stoumbaugh, Venter, Wood NO: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None The Mayor declared the motion carried.
Code Enforcement Officer The Board discussed the procedure for code enforcement, as well as compensation for a code enforcement officer.
TRUSTEE SANGER MOVED, TRUSTEE LAVOIE SECONDED to approve Harriet Stewart as the Town’s code enforcement officer at a rate of pay of $18/hour, with the use of her own vehicle, and the Town providing a telephone line and recorder. Voting was as follows: YES: Lavoie, Sanger, Stoumbaugh, Wood, Johnson NO: Venter ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None The Mayor declared the motion carried.
Open Space Grant Since the Open Space grant money was not used on the well project at Centennial Park, the Board discussed using the money to seal and coat the bike path in Spirit of the Prairie Park.
MAYOR JOHNSON MOVED, TRUSTEE WOOD SECONDED to use our $4,000 Open Space grant for repairs on the bike bath in Spirit of the Prairie Park. Voting was as follows: YES: Sanger, Stoumbaugh, Venter, Wood, Johnson, Lavoie NO: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None The Mayor declared the motion carried.
CDBG Grant Application The Board discussed streets prioritized for paving with 2007 CDBG money. Concrete drain pans were also discussed.
TRUSTEE STOUMBAUGH MOVED, TRUSTEE LAVOIE SECONDED to submit a 2007 CDBG grant application in the amount of $127,811 for street paving, with prioritization of streets, and $9,000 for concrete drain pans. Voting was as follows: YES: Sanger, Stoumbaugh, Venter, Wood, Johnson, Lavoie NO: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None The Mayor declared the motion carried.
Building Permits
TRUSTEE LAVOIE MOVED, TRUSTEE WOOD SECONDED to approve the building permit for a garage addition at 610 Second Ave. Voting was as follows: YES: Stoumbaugh, Venter, Wood, Johnson, Lavoie, Sanger NO: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None The Mayor declared the motion carried.
TRUSTEE LAVOIE MOVED, TRUSTEE WOOD SECONDED to approve the building permit for a garage at 495 Third Ave. Voting was as follows: YES: Venter, Wood, Johnson, Lavoie, Sanger, Stoumbaugh NO: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None The Mayor declared the motion carried.
TRUSTEE LAVIOE MOVED, TRUSTEE WOOD SECONDED to approve the building permit for a garage at 325 Ivy St. Voting was as follows: YES: Wood, Johnson, Lavoie, Sanger, Stoumbaugh, Venter NO: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None The Mayor declared the motion carried.
The Board took a five-minute break and reconvened at 7:40 p.m.
Pickup Purchase The Used Car Warehouse delivered a pickup truck earlier in the week for the Town to test drive. The 2004 GMC ¾-ton, regular cab, long box, automatic transmission, with 22,000 miles is available at a cost of $18,500.
TRUSTEE SANGER MOVED, TRUSTEE LAVOIE SECONDED to purchase the 2004 GMC truck for a price of $18,500, and install a bed liner. Voting was as follows: YES: Johnson, Lavoie, Sanger, Stoumbaugh, Venter, Wood NO: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None The Mayor declared the motion carried.
Backhoe Purchase Ellen Equipment delivered a backhoe earlier in the week for the Town to test drive. The 580SL loader/backhoe, with 998 hours, is available to the Town at a cost of $30,000. The Town received a written bid from Charles Breeden to purchase the Town’s old Ford backhoe for $3,000.
TRUSTEE LAVOIE MOVED, TRUSTEE SANGER SECONDED to purchase the backhoe from Ellen Equipment for a price of $30,000 and accept the bid of $3,000 from Charles Breeden for the Town’s Ford backhoe. Voting was as follows: YES: Lavoie, Sanger, Venter, Wood, Johnson NO: Stoumbaugh ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None The Mayor declared the motion carried.
Board Vacancy The Board reviewed a letter from Frank Fields indicating his interest in the vacant Board of Trustee position.
TRUSTEE SANGER MOVED, TRUSTEE LAVOIE SECONDED to appoint Frank Fields to the Board of Trustees. Voting was as follows: YES: Sanger, Stoumbaugh, Venter, Wood, Johnson, Lavoie NO: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None The Mayor declared the motion carried.
Ordinance No. 235 – Bulk Water Rates Several oil well drilling companies are asking to buy bulk water for drilling purposes, in the total amount of approximately 2,000,000 gallons for eight wells. Since chlorine supplies are hard to maintain selling this much chlorinated water, the Town will construct a site to sell untreated water at Centennial Park at a cost of $250-$500. The untreated water will be sold for livestock and construction purposes, and will be used to water Centennial Park in 2007. Bulk water rates were also discussed.
TRUSTE LAVOIE MOVED, TRUSTEE STOUMBAUGH SECONDED to raise the rate of commercial bulk water from $8.50/1,000 gallons to $10.50/1,000 gallons and to approve the parts needed to construct the bulk water station at Centennial Park. Voting was as follows: YES: Stoumbaugh, Venter, Wood, Johnson, Lavoie, Sanger NO: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None The Mayor declared the motion carried.
TRUSTEE STOUMBAUGH SECONDED, TRUSTEE LAVOIE SECONDED to adopt Ordinance No. 235 amending town ordinances relative to usage rates to be assessed to those residents and nonresidents who use the Town water system. Voting was as follows: YES: Venter, Wood, Johnson, Lavoie, Sanger, Stoumbaugh NO: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None The Mayor declared the motion carried.
MAYOR JOHNSON MOVED, TRUSTEE WOOD SECONDED to purchase eight chairs for the Board for meetings. Voting was as follows: YES: Wood, Johnson, Lavoie, Sanger, Stoumbaugh NO: Venter ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None The Mayor declared the motion carried.
TRUSTEE STOUMBAUGH MOVED, MAYOR JOHNSON SECONDED to take a five-minute break while the Town Clerk tried to contact Harriet Stewart. The motion carried.
The meeting reconvened at 8:24 p.m. The Town Clerk had been unable to contact Harriet Stewart.
Mayor Johnson reported that the Town of Bennett had given the Town their old street sweeper at no cost. The sweeper needs batteries. Glenn Kunkel volunteered to transport the street sweeper from Bennett to Deer Trail
TRUSTEE STOUMBAUGH MOVED, TRUSTEE WOOD SECONDED to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried.
The regular meeting was adjourned at 8:27 p.m.
______________________________ James F. Johnson, Mayor
______________________________ Patti K. Owens, Town Clerk